I can't believe my baby is 4! I swear she was just born last week. It really does flash before your eyes...just like everyone says it does....don't blink, they grow up too fast! We always try and make birthdays special in our house. So it started with us all having to go to school. Avery chose to take "Hannah Tanna" cupcakes to share with her class, which I forgot to take pictures of! It was amazing that I remembered to take them with me in the morning! The kids get to choose wherever they would like to go for dinner. But for a 4 year old, that is hard because you know they want to choose McDonalds. So Avery actually remembered the Rain Forest Cafe from a few weeks earlier when her and I went shopping for the day. SO we were happy that she didn't choose fast food! Anyways it was on Tuesday night, so there was no wait. She LOVED all the animals and rain that happens throughout the dinner. It was a perfect place to take her. We also always let them open their presents on their b-day...but being so busy I didn't even have a chance to get anything for her! I know....Mother of the Year Award once again! So there is a really cool store attached to the restaurant so we let her choose something from the store! And if you know Avers she is obsessed with stuffed animals...so she chose yet another animal. That's okay...it makes her happy and she sleeps with most of them! Anywoo.....you know we love to hear what she names everything because she comes up with the funniest names. So this cute little giraffe is named...Dr. Porkchop! We laughed so hard at the table when she announced this. She has such a great imagination....so we had a great time and we can't wait until Saturday for her party! We just tend to keep it going all week!
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