The 3 Amigos

The 3 Amigos

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

Even though I am not a big fan of winter....I must admit that after the rainstorm we had last week, I was amazed at the huge beautiful rainbow that appeared over our house! It was so neat...it arched all the way across the sky in a big arch. Looked like it was straight out of the movies. It was sunny at the same time so the pictures did not come out that good. Reminds me of Gods Promise...love it! :}

Monday, September 27, 2010

This is Fall?

I know this seems silly...but it is fall and the temp. in my car today at 3:45 was 115*! Isn't this a little ridiculous? I mean, when is the fall weather going to get here? I am all over this late summer and heat thing!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Beautiful View...

Just reminded of how beautiful our view is from our front yard. We are so blessed to have such an amazing neighborhood. Bill planted these awesome morning glories for me so they would grow up our gate on our side yard! This is the first flower....I thought it was breathtaking! Can't wait until the whole gate is covered in these beautiful flowers!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

LOVE Starbucks in the Fall!

Since Nana bought me the Keurig for Christmas last year, I have simply cut out Starbucks all together. Which has been great because it saves a ton of money and I really enjoy making my coffee every morning. BUT....I love pumpkin spice latte in the fall! It is only out for a few months in the year so I do go to get those. This happened to be my first one this season and it was soooo good. Only problem was I had it for dinner and forgot how strong their coffee is and was still up at 11pm! O well....for the love of coffee!

Driving in the Stang!

So Santa brought this Mustang car for Avery last year...and needless to say she was still a little too young to drive it. Since we have moved, she can't seem to get enough of it. She drives all the neighborhood kids around and they all love it! Well I came home today and Bill had tinkered with it and took away the speed control that makes it go pretty slow. The thing now goes about 20 mph, which is pretty fast for a 3 year old. She was whipping around the corners and driving all over the grass. She took Bryce out twice, once he was on roller blades and she ran the little neighbor kid over on his bike! Whoa....she loves this thing now. And she is actually pretty good at driving it once she got used to the speed! After a while she got bored with it and went back to the ole plastic tricycle!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What A Deal!!!

I know this sounds so cheesy....but where else in the world can you get dinner for $1.50? Only at Sam's Club! I don't claim to be high class...I just do what is easy and cost effective! They couldn't be happier with their hot dog and slurpee dinner! Not a great picture of  Bryce...but trust me, he is happy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wecome to Club Soccer!

We folded and decided that it was time for Kenadee to play club soccer. She was not getting better in AYSO and therefore not progressing. It was a battle because Bill thought she was to young to start club. But an opportunity came our way and we ran with it! We felt that this team would benefit her in a number of ways. The girls are wonderful and the coaches adore her. This is their first year together...so we are not expecting much. Kenadee is enjoying it and it is close to home. So we will try if for a year and see what happens! Go Claremont Stars!


There is no doubt that we always have a great time when Uncle Kevin and Tyler come over! So Uncle Kevin had a great idea...he thought it would be fun to buy these little watermelons and scoop out the watermelon and mash it all up and put it back in for a yummy melon cooler! The baby melons were so cute and perfect for a hot day drink! The boys picked up chinese food and when I turned around Avery had decorated her face with the noodles! Crazy girl...thought it would be fun to post!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Getting Knobs

I did not realize all the details that go into a new house! Little things such as knobs on cabinets...if you know me at all...I have no decorating sense at all! I do not know what looks good and what doesn't! So I tromped my little self down to Lowes and bought some knobs for our cabinets. Kevin agreed to come over and help Bill to install them! So awesome considering we did not have all the tools necessary to make this happen! So they spent the day putting my knobs and pulls on my drawers...looks much better, thank you Uncle Kevin!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Football Season is Here!

Awwww...football season is upon us! Avery used to be soooo good at the games. She would sit and watch the entire thing...and sometimes fall asleep! Not this year! She wanted to be down on the field and walking around and after 5 trips to the bathroom, I left! Looks like my days of watching are over! That's okay...she has been a trooper for 3 years at every game! I will have to come up with some new tricks to get her to sit through a few! She just loves her Pa...sits on his lap any chance she gets!